Happy new week to you! Today I thought I would share this video I found on 10 strange dog behaviors explained. Does you dog do some things you just don't understand? Dogs can be funny and they do have personalities and quirks just like humans do. But some things humans see as strange behavior have actual reasons why a dog does what they do.
Does your dog do any weird things? I would love to hear about it! My mom says me moving the blankets on the bed so I can get to the bottom is pretty weird. Why sleep way down under the covers she asks?
Hello my friend! I am so glad you came by today. Today I wanted to do a cute little post that really says it all in one little picture. I have talked about Fun Ways to Exercise With Your Dog and also Walking your dog to help them lose weight. I know for my pet parent she suffers from arthritis and Fibromyalgia and she says all the time that having me has helped her so much because she is forced to walk with me on days she just does not feel like it. It has helped her to feel better and even lose some weight as well.
Finding some ways to get moving with your pet is a great way to bond and help them and you feel better. So today I am simply posting this cute little picture.....
Today I thought I would start a new type of post. I am going to call it the "Happy" Dog Tales. I want these posts to be about stories of inspiration of fellow canines. There are so many who have overcome great obstacles, done something amazing, or was just being the best dog they could be. When I find a story that makes me "Happy" I want to share them with you.
There are a lot of hastags out there in the world. One of my favorite ones is #WNW or #WetNoseWednesday which means if you do not know- wet nose Wednesday! Don't you just love a wet nose?